7 universities in the Science for Industry zone!


The participation of universities and research centres in the joint Science for Industry zone has become a trade fair tradition. Trade fair participants have a unique opportunity to find out more about the wide range of R&D on offer from research centres from all over Poland. This year, seven universities have already confirmed their participation.

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AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków, Faculty of Materials Engineering and Ceramics, Department of Biomaterials and Composites

The scientific activity of the Department of Biomaterials and Composites focuses on biomaterials, i.e. materials for medicine, and various types of composite materials. Research work is carried out on the design of new materials, their manufacture and modification, as well as the evaluation of various chemical, physical, mechanical and biological properties. Very often, the two research areas overlap and complement each other, thanks to which, among other things, modern composite biomaterials are developed.

Cracow University of Technology / Technology Transfer Centre

The Krakow University of Technology places great emphasis on the transfer of innovative technologies into the economic space. Researchers at the Krakow University of Technology are constantly working on new inventions with high implementation potential. The Technology Transfer Centre is a unit of the Krakow University of Technology that acts as a link between science and business, creating organisational, legal and financial conditions to enable efficient technology transfer. It provides comprehensive services for the process of knowledge commercialisation.

Łódź University of Technology, Faculty of Materials Technology and Textile Design, Institute of Textiles

The Technical University of Łódź, Faculty of Materials Technology and Textile Design has been carrying out research and development projects in the field of fibre polymer composites for many years. Innovations developed include: conductive polymer nanocomposites for wearable electronics applications, resorbable polymer composites for medical applications, polymer composites for sound absorption and construction, particularly biodegradable.


Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Materials Engineering

The Faculty of Materials Engineering conducts scientific research as well as R&D and implementation work in the field of advanced engineering materials, including composite materials. The teaching and research activity profile of the Faculty is adapted to the needs and expectations of modern industry, including the automotive, aerospace and energy sectors. WIM graduates possess knowledge and skills in the field of design, manufacturing technology, processing and research of properties and structure of new materials for applications in industrial practice.

Wrocław University of Technology

Faculty activities: Chemical and Mechanical Engineering at Wrocław University of Technology are related to the widely understood physical and chemical modification of polymers. Research is conducted in the field of obtaining and assessing the properties of biodegradable and biosoluble composites, nanocomposites with layered fillers, development of processing methods and recycling of polymers and polymer composites. We develop and implement techniques for the manufacture of lightweight materials and structures using our own equipment: winding machines (manufacture of tubes, cylinders, tanks), RTMs, autoclaves, pultrusion. We have a wide range of analytical equipment at our disposal: DSC, X-ray diffractometer, TG, DTA, DMA and many others.

Faculty of Materials Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology

The Faculty of Materials Engineering at the Warsaw University of Technology is one of the leading research and teaching centres in the field of materials engineering both in Poland and worldwide. A specific feature of the Faculty is the interdisciplinary character of the research, which also includes issues of physics, chemistry or biology. Work is focused on the relationship between macro-, micro- and nanostructures and the properties of materials used in various industries, including aviation and medicine.

West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin

The West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin, established by a decision of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland on 1 January 2009, took over the legacy of the two universities laying the foundations of West Pomeranian higher education - Szczecin University of Technology (founded in 1946) and the University of Agriculture (founded in 1954). The Development Strategy indicates the directions of the university's development for the years 2011-2020 in basic areas of activity so as to prepare it for changes resulting from new challenges posed by the external environment and conditions.


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