C-CheckIR System: Non-Destructive Testing of Composites

Company: EC TEST Systems Sp. z o.o.
Stand: D15

The C-CheckIR system is an easy-to-use, fast and effective system for non-destructive testing of composites that does not require long-term training. The complete inspection head mounted on a lightweight frame with suction cups allows the system to be easily placed on vertical surfaces. Simple attachment by pressing a button makes the system ready for use in just a few seconds.


Intuitive tablet interface for easy system control.
Predefined inspection parameters for popular materials such as CRP and GRP.
Fast measurement time - just a few seconds.
Thermal excitation and thermal imaging analysis allow for a precise assessment of the internal structure of the material.


Aviation: Testing of composite aircraft.
Navy: Checking the structural integrity of vessels.
Wind energy: Turbine wind blades inspections.
Automotive: Inspection of composite components in vehicles.

The C-CheckIR system meets the requirements of the DIN 54192 standard for non-destructive testing and is available in versions adapted for air tests. Thanks to its versatility and ease of use, C-CheckIR is the perfect solution for NDT testing in a variety of industries.

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